الجمعة، 31 مارس 2017

حقيقة هامة جدا عن مرض السكري من النوع الثاني

                     تقرير طبي لطبيب بريطاني كبير نشرته صحيفة الديلي ميل البريطانية في عدد اليوم ٣٠ مارس ٢٠١٧ ، يطالب بتغيير إسم النوع الثاني من مرض السكري  ليكون  اسمه
" متلازمة نقص المشي " . 
يقول :ان ما يسمى "بالنوع الثاني من السكري " ليس مرضاً حقيقياً وإن هذه التسمية تعتبر خاطئة . 
وإن التخلص منه يتم عبر المشي . 

Type 2 diabetes? It's 'walking deficiency syndrome' and not a real illness, says top doctor

  • Sir Muir Gray says it should be renamed as it is caused by 'modern environment'
  • 'The problem with calling it type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome makes you think it's like rheumatoid arthritis or a real disease,' he added
  • Nearly 4m people in UK have diabetes; about 90% of these have type 2 diabetes
Sir Muir Gray (above) claims that type 2 diabetes, which is largely preventable but costs the NHS billions of pounds a year to treat, should be renamed because it is caused by the 'modern environment'
Type 2 diabetes should be renamed 'walking deficiency syndrome' because it is not a 'real disease', according to one of Britain's leading medical practitioners.
Sir Muir Gray has done extensive research on how modern lifestyles such as sitting at a desk or in a car are contributing to the risk of disease.
He claims that type 2 diabetes, which is largely preventable but costs the NHS billions of pounds a year to treat, should be renamed because it is caused by the 'modern environment'.
Speaking at the Oxford Literary Festival, Sir Muir said: 'Type two diabetes or walking deficiency syndrome, I'm trying to get the name changed.
'I wrote about this and somebody wrote back and said it was called a metabolic syndrome. I said I don't believe in metabolic syndromes.
'The problem with calling it type 2 diabetes or metabolic syndrome makes you think it's like rheumatoid arthritis or a real disease. These are conditions caused by the modern environment.'
Nearly 4 million people in the UK suffer from diabetes and approximately 90 per cent of these are type 2 diabetes sufferers.
By contrast, type 1 diabetes – whose sufferers include Theresa May – is an autoimmune condition and often emerges in childhood.
The chances of developing type 2 diabetes are greatly exacerbated by being overweight and many sufferers are able to reverse the condition by dieting alone.
The NHS now spends more on medication for diabetes than any other condition. 
The chances of developing type 2 diabetes are greatly exacerbated by being overweight and many sufferers are able to reverse the condition by dieting alone. (Stock image)
The chances of developing type 2 diabetes are greatly exacerbated by being overweight and many sufferers are able to reverse the condition by dieting alone. (Stock image)
Diabetes is thought to cost the NHS about £10billion, once the cost of treatment, including amputation and hospitalisations for life-threatening hypoglycaemic attacks, is included.
Sir Muir pioneered breast and cervical screening and was knighted for his work in the development of foetal, maternal and child screening programmes.


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