الجمعة، 22 يناير 2016

احذروا الحمام المغربي !

الحمام المغربي مضرجدا للبشرة القمحية مسبباجفافا وتصبغات مزمنة لا تزول ومايرى من أوساخ ما هي الا
الطبقة المتقرنة الحامية للحاجز الجلد

: أمثلة مصورة للتصبغات الناتجة من الحمام المغربي و استعمال الليفة بشكل عام
الصور من جوجل 1 

أمثلة مصورة للتصبغات الناتجة من الحمام المغربي و استعمال الليفة بشكل عام الصور من جوجل 2


أمثلة مصورة للتصبغات الناتجة من الحمام المغربي و استعمال الليفة بشكل عام الصور من جوجل 3   

 مقال علمي اخر من الاردن عن تصبغات الليفة والحمام المغربي اقرأ الاستنتاج

Int J Dermatol. 2004 Apr;43(4):261-4.

Friction melanosis: a clinical, histologic, and ultrastructural study in Jordanian patients.



Friction melanosis (FM) is an acquired pigmentary disorder mainly affecting young people. The primary skin regions affected are located over the osseous prominences, especially the clavicular zone and upper back. Our purpose in this study was to report the clinical spectrum, histologic findings, and ultrastructural features of FM in Jordanian patients.


Thirteen patients with FM (10 women and three men) were studied. The patients were seen at Princess Basma Teaching Hospital in north Jordan between 1999 and 2001.


Eleven patients presented with asymptomatic, diffuse, brownish patches and two presented with mottled patches on the skin over the trunk bones and limbs. All had a history of rubbing their skin repeatedly with scrub pads (loofah) or bathroom towels. Ten of the 13 cases were studied histologically. Skin biopsies from four patients were examined ultrastructurally. Both histologic and electron microscopic examination of the biopsies from our patients showed a marked increase in melanin and melanin incontinence, with a lack of amyloid in the upper dermis.


FM is infrequently seen in north Jordan. We believe that repeated frictional trauma from clothing or scrub pads against the skin overlying the bony protuberances is fundamental in its pathogenesis. Other factors, such as scrub pads made of rough material (loofah), dark skin type, and individual variability, may also play a role in the pathogenesis. We advise patients not to use rough scrub pads during bathing, to avoid rubbing the skin overlying the bony prominences, to avoid rubbing vigorously, and to use a soft cotton pad instead.


مقال علمي اخر من العراق عن تصبغات الليفة والحمام المغربي لاحظ ان المؤلف استعمل اسم مرض الليفة كما يعرف عند الاطباء

J Dermatol. 2001 Jan;28(1):12-5.

Frictional dermal melanosis (lifa disease) over bony prominences.


Seventy-one patients (70 females and one male) were studied. Their ages at presentation ranged from 16-43 years with a mean of 24.4 years. The duration of disease varied from three months to ten years with a median of 2.7 years. All patients were slim and had recorded using a washing agent (Lifa) during bathing with vigorous friction. Family history of the same disease was present in 11 (15.5%) patients. The pigmentation was brown-black with a rippled pattern and showed no contrast under Wood's light. The areas commonly affected were clavicles (71.8%), shins (36.6%), upper back (32.4%), Adam's apple (31%), lateral aspects of the arms (31%) and other areas. The histopathology of biopsies from 24 patients showed marked dermal melanosis. Amyloid deposits in the papillary dermis were present in one patient. This clinical and histopathological picture suggests that this common condition is related to frictional melanosis.

الشكر والتقدير لـ :
د سلطان الخنيزان @Drkhenaizan
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التصبغات الجلدية

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