
الخميس، 28 نوفمبر 2019

عطل كودp0420,p0430,دبة التلوث, ,دبة الشكمان

تظهر اجهزة فحص السيارات اجهزة فحص اعطال السيارات عطل كودp0420,p0430,دبة التلوث,دبة الرصاص,الشكمان,دبة الشكمان,
Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1
Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 2
اولا نتعرف على دبات التلوث ( البعض يسميها دبات الرصاص او الشكمان الخ )

المسمى الانجليزي للدبه catalytic converter والاختصار لها cats والمعنى للأسم محول الانبعاثات السامه
عملها هو حرق الغازات الغير محترقه الناجمه عن ابخره مواد الاحتراق بالمحرك
الغازات قبل دخول الدبه عباره عن هايدروكربون واول اوكسيد الكربون واوكسيد النيتروجين
والغازات بعد خروجها من الدبه واحتراقها يجب ان تكون ثاني اوكسيد الكربون وماء ونيتروجين اذا هي عباره عن :محول تحفيزي للبيئه
تتسبب ظهور اعطال دبة البيئه p0420 او p0430 الى تردي عزم السياره او زياده في استهلاك الوقود
تتجه بعض الورش في حال تردي العزم الى تنظيف دبة الشكمان او ما يسمى به , الافضل عدم الاتجاه الى التنظيف الا بعد التاكد من فحص السياره بالكمبيوتر وترتبط به الاعطال
p0420 للدبه اليمنى باتجاه السائق
p0430 للدبه اليسرى باتجاه الراكب
ظهور الاكواد هذه يتسبب في تردي عزم السياره وايضا زياده في صرفية البنزين وظهور لمبة الماكينه
الحل يجب متابعة الاعطال اذا وجد اعطال خاصه او اكود اكسجين مرفقه مع نفس الكود p0420 او p0430 يجب اصلاح حساس الاكسجين اولا ومن ثم فحص كمبيوتر السياره واذا ظهرت اعطال دبات التلوث p0420 او p0430يجب اصلاحها بالتغيير
ملاحظه مهمه : تتجه بعض الورش الى الغاء دبة التلوث او ازالة الرصاص من داخلها ومن ثم تلحيمها وهذا الامر يزيل العطل ولكن تترتب عليه امور مهمه كما ذكرنا في بداية الموضوع وظيفتها هي محول غازات سامه تحفيزي للبيئه فعند الازاله تظهر روائح الغازات السامه التي لم تتحول وبالتالي يتسبب في اضرار صحيه وايضا ارتفاع صوت الشكمان بصوره بسيطه وايضا ظهور لمبة الماكينه للسيارات التي يكون موقع الحساس وراء الدبه .
Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1) What does that mean? The catalytic converter is a part of the exhaust system that looks kind of like a muffler, although it’s job is very different from that of a muffler. A catalytic converter’s job is to reduce emmissions from the exhaust. The catalytic converter has an oxygen sensor in front and behind it. When the vehicle is warm and running in closed loop mode, the upstream oxygen sensor waveform reading should fluctuate. The downstream O2 sensor reading should be fairly steady. Typically the P0420 code triggers the Check Engine Light if the readings of the two sensors are similar. This is indicative of (among other things) a converter that is not working as efficiently as it should be (according to specs). Catalytic converters are not normally a “wear” type item, that is they are not deisgned to wear out and need replacement. If they have failed, it is likely due to something else that caused it to fail. Symptoms The main symptom to the driver is the illumination of the MIL (malfunction indicator lamp). You will likely not notice any drivability problems, although there may be symptoms. For example, if the substance inside the catalytic converter is broken or failed, it may be restricting the exhaust which will result in a feeling of reduced power output from the vehicle. Causes A code P0420 may mean that one or more of the following has happened: Leaded fuel was used where unleaded was called for A damaged or failed oxygen sensor (HO2S) Downstream oxygen sensor (HO2S) wiring damaged or connected improperly The engine coolant temperature sensor is not working properly Damaged or leaking exhaust manifold / catalytic converter / muffler / exhaust pipe Retarded spark timing The oxygen sensors in front and behind the converter are reporting too similar of readings Leaking fuel injector or high fuel pressure Cylinder misfire Oil contamination
Possible Solutions
Some suggested steps for troubleshooting a P0420 error code include:
Check for exhaust leaks at the manifold, pipes, catalytic converter. Repair as required
. Use a scope to diagnose the oxygen sensor operation (Tip: The oxygen sensor in front of the catalytic converter normally has a fluctuating waveform. The waveform of the sensor behind the converter should be more steady).
Inspect the downstream heated oxygen sensor (HO2S), replace if necessary
Replace the catalytic converter
Overall probably the biggest mistake vehicles owners make when they have a P0420 code is to simply replace an oxygen sensor (H02S). It is important to do proper diagnosis so you’re not wasting money replacing parts unnecessarily. We strongly recommend that if you need to replace the catalytic converter that you replace it with an OEM unit. Second choice would be a high-quality replacement part. There are many stories in our forums where folks replaced the cat with a cheaper aftermarket one only to have the code return shortly thereafter. One thing to note is that many vehicle manufacturers offer a longer warranty on emissions-related parts. So if you have a newer car but it’s out of it’s bumper-to-bumper warranty, there still may be warranty on this type of problem. Many manufacturers give a five year, unlimited mileage warranty on these items. It’s worth checking into.
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