
الثلاثاء، 25 نوفمبر 2014

The danger symbols - maybe the only warning you´ll get

 Accidents happen every year due to incorrect handling of chemical products. Most
emergencies could probably have been avoided if the consumer had been aware of the information accompanying the products, i.e. danger symbols and warning texts.

Despite the fact that the current orange coloured symbols have existed for decades, it seems as if the consumer does not care enough about this important information.
Danger symbols for chemical products.Decisive changes are on the way, meaning that the danger symbols will have quite a new appearance but still have the same meaning. The good thing about the new symbols is that they will look the same in all countries in the world. This will increase the consumer safety.
For some years, both present and new symbols will occur on chemical products, although never together on the same product.
Make sure to learn the meaning of today´s symbols and how they will look in the future. Always follow the instructions for handling of the product. This would reduce future unnecessary accidents.

Quiz - what do you know about the danger symbols?

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